Molly Comstock


Molly Comstock built Colfax Farm Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) in Alford, a partnership between customers (buying shares of the farm) and the farmers (providing fresh vegetables). When her lease was not renewed in 2021, she asked the community for help and collaborated with the Berkshire Community Land Trust in establishing the Harry Conklin Fund for Farmsteads. She is working with the Trust to identify suitable land, which they will buy, on which to reopen her farm. In the meantime, Comstock continues to farm at Indian Line Farm in Great Barrington, with enthusiasm and dedication to healthy food for her community. “Molly’s dedication to access land and affordable housing for small farmers, has brought the community together,” says Amy Taylor, Community Engagement Officer, Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation.


Catheryn Chacon


Peter Dillon