Liam Gorman


Liam Gorman, is a tech entrepreneur and founder of CozQuest, a media marketing company that connects small businesses with customers who might need “a nudge to get off the couch—and off Amazon.” Pivoting from TV writer/producer, Gorman is a community builder who creates treasure hunt maps accessed through a smart phone app. The first player to solve the puzzle, follow the clues, and find the hidden QR codes wins cash prizes Recent hunts have focused on Pittsfield Farmers Market, Hotel on North, Downtown Pittsfield Storywalk, Norman Rockwell Museum, and Hancock Shaker Village. “His expertise is an exceptional asset for this community,” says Toby Ellen Elliot, NYC producer and Berkshire homeowner. “It’s wonderful to see people engage and discover new local businesses, and feel even more rooted and excited about their community in the Berkshires!”


Sarah Eustis


Donna Hassler